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Notice: This is a test calendar to see if the membership likes and approves of it. If the majority of the membership likes it we will continue to use it. It is the best one that the Webmasters have found so far. Please enjoy and let us know by emailing us at what your thoughts are.

For a larger actual Calendar that is interactive, you can go here:

To create a subscription to this calendar, all you need is the iCalendar subscription feed URL for your calendar.
This will automatically add the events to your own personal calendar on your mobile phone, home computer, Laptop, or tablet.

This is the feed URL/address you will copy and paste into the other calendar system:


Instructions for creating a calendar subscription:

  • Apple iCal (Look for "Subscribe to other calendars".)
  • Apple Calendar (Mavericks)
  • Google Calendar
  • Microsoft Outlook (Look for "Add an Internet Calendar Subscription to Outlook".) The last paragraph on the page may be all you need: Internet Calendar Subscriptions can be added, changed, or removed from the Account Settings dialog box. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings, and then click the Internet Calendars tab.
  • Yahoo Calendar (Look for "Subscribe to other calendars".)
If you are using a calendar system not listed above, search their support section for "calendar subscription" or "iCalendar" or "iCal subscription" or "subscribe to other calendars".
  • Some features of the Hunt Calendars system are not supported by other calendar systems, such as customizable event categories with colors, private events and HTML event descriptions. Other calendar systems may not accept all of the event data sent from Hunt Calendars, so imported events may not include these features.
  • To improve performance, iCalendar feeds from Hunt Calendars include events for 3 months starting with the current month. To include events from earlier months in your feed, add a start month to your subscription feed URL. For example, to include events for the two previous months, add ?m=now-2 to the end of your subscription feed URL. To include events beyond the 3 month period, add an end month to the URL. For example, to include events for the next 5 months, add ?m2=now+4 to the end of your subscription feed URL. If you combine the start month and the end month options, use a semicolon to separate the two options. For example: ?m=now-2;m2=now+4
    You can also specify a start month/year and an end month/year. For example, add this to the end of your subscription URL to start Feb. 2014 and end Dec. 2018:
    Visit the URL parameters page to find additional options. For example, events can be filtered by category or keyword.